156 High Street, Hāwera 4640
06 223 2050

Day to Day v Guardianship


When parents separate, it’s essential to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each parent to ensure the well-being of their children. Two critical aspects of parenting that often comes into focus in these situations are day-to-day care and guardianship. 

Day-to-day care, previously known as custody, refers to the practical, everyday aspects of parenting including; such as who as the child on what day, school holidays and christmas arrangements. 

Guardianship decision making, on the other hand, are the decisions relating to a child which are not routine in nature and need to be made by both parents together such as a child moving out of the district, or where a child attends school.  

Understanding these differences is vital for parents navigating separation  to ensure that the child’s best interests are protected and that both parents can play a meaningful role in their lives.

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