156 High Street, Hāwera 4640
06 223 2050

Blog Category: Video

Relationship Property

New Zealand’s legal framework recognizes that relationships, whether marriages, civil unions, or de facto partnerships, often involve shared assets and property. When these relationships come

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Protection Order

Protection Orders play a central role in safeguarding the well-being and safety of victims of domestic violence. These Court orders are designed to protect victims

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Legal Aid

Legal Aid is a government-funded program designed to provide access to legal representation and advice for individuals who may not otherwise be able to afford

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Grandparent Rights

In New Zealand, grandparents do not have automatic legal rights to contact or day to day care of their grandchildren. However, the law recognises the

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Family Court Process

The family court serves as a crucial institution for addressing a wide range of family-related issues, from resolving child care issues to relationship property division

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Contracting Out

A contracting out agreement is a legally binding document that allows couples to define the ownership and division of property and assets in the event

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Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

We’re proud of the restaurant we’ve created and the community of staff and customers who have become good friends. Most of all, we’re proud that we can share our passion for good food with you and look forward to seeing you soon.

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